Wednesday 8 May 2013

Mandy's Big 5

Mandy's BIG FIVE

1. Torres Del Paine

Just breathtaking. Patagonia is magnificent and I felt very priveledged to be able to walk amongst the mountains, lakes and rumbling glaciers.

2. Galapagos

Like no where else on earth. The wildlife experience is incredible, I saw more snorkelling for half an hour than I have seen in a life time of scuba diving. The sea lions swimming along and playing with you is something you can never forget. It feels like you're living a National Geographic documentary.

3. Rio De Janeiro

Sunshine, beautiful people and a beautiful city. So. Much. Fun!

4. Salt Flats and Bolivian Altiplano

A surreal landscape, volcanos, salt flats, alpaca, llama and flamingos all at 5000m above sea level. Priviledged... Again.

5. The Inca Trail

We had the most amazing group of people to hike with and the sense of achievement as a group when you get to the sun gate is fantastic. High fiving everyone in over the summits is special too. And we had Panoramallama!