Friday 25 January 2013

Bolivia - La Paz

Only a 3 hour bus ride from Copacabana is La Paz. This included an unexpected ferry transfer to across lake Titicaca, many winding roads and then, through one of the most run down desolate towns (although enormous) I'd ever seen. Mands estimates only 30% of the properties are occupied!

La Paz on the other hand is a vibrant uniquely set city that has Central Valley between 2 mountains all the way up it's sides. The buildings are all red brick and everything is built up.

At the bus terminal we took an official taxi from the small taxi arranging kiosk - I'd red about many taxi robbing scams and decided to go official where we could.

Our hostel, Las Andes, was in a good central location and good basic place with matrimonial bed and private baƱo. With only a few hours we needed to get tickets for to cycle the road of death the next day, so we plotted our route about 7 blocks and took in La Paz sights and sounds before buying the tickets.

We stopped at a nice chilled bar, Sol y Lunar, on the way back and and red a guide brochure suggestion to avoid the Bol 2 (£0.20) burgers from the street stalls dotted around the city like the plague. Also not even to brush your teeth with the tap water as their water pipes are built along side their sewage pipes and are known to be corroded through!

Avoiding the cheap burgers, went on search for a late dinner - Mands was craving Thai. We did fine a good looking place and settled in - What a mistake, slow service and terrible cold food.

The next morning we did the road of death tour with Gravity, the first company to start cycle excursions. It was brilliant, but more on that is a separate post. After the cycle we headed out for a dinner, this time hopefully more luck.

I chose a steak grill called xxx whose

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