Tuesday 1 January 2013

Peru - New Years Eve Caiman Spotting

Back at the lodge preparations for New Years Eve dinner were underway. We were treated to chicken and various other dishes, a real treat after all the cold over cooked beef! We were also 'treated' to some Peruvian champagne... Was took one sip and exclaimed 'what is this stuff' to which he was informed it was champagne. He made a neat recovery announcing he must have smelt and tasted some of the deet mosquito repellent he was smothered in! Thankfully Lucho came inadvertently came to his rescue announcing we would be going caiman spotting in 10 minutes. Much excitement as everyone grabbed cameras and headed for the boat. Even cook/driver seemed excited and as if he had forgiven Lucho for the previous day. I was excited to hopefully see some caimans, I had been scanning the river banks for them for the last two days only to be told you don't see them during the day, only at night.

We headed out in the boat with Lucho upfront scanning the water and shore line with a massive spotlight for the glint of eyes. Once they picked up some eyes the spot light was left a little too long aiming on their direction. I whispered to Warren that I didn't think you were supposed to a the spotlight directly at the animals as it stuns them but this thinking doesn't seem to have reached the amazon as yet, we did see plenty of white caimans though and were surprised at how small they were. No wonder I hadn't been able to find any, I was looking for African crocodiles!

Headed back to the lodge where we tried to make the new year, but alas faded an hour early after a full day of Amazon adventuring!

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