Monday 31 December 2012

Peru - Night Walking in the Amazon

We returned to the lodge after our very wet amazon camping trip thinking we would have lunch at the lodge and then hike to the lake. But no, once again out came the Tupperware dishes with, wait for it......leftover cold beef and rice!

After lunch we had a quick shower before heading out on our hike to Sandoval Lake 5km from the lodge. We were doubtful it would take two hours as Lucho said but the walk was pretty muddy and two hours it took. Walking through the jungle is great with lots of nervous reactions to any sounds you hear. We came across a yellow footed tortoise, some squirrel monkeys and thankfully no snakes!

On arrival to the lake a young male giant river otter came to greet us. We then set off in a small row boat to try and spot the family of river otters that live in the lake. We saw some incredible birds along the shore line, some of which looked prehistoric and were so noisy!

As we made our way along the opposite shore the family of around eight giant river otters came through fishing.

We returned to shore and began our night hike back to the lodge. As it got darker it got scarier! We were walking through muddy ankle deep water with only our head torches to see with. Every tree root I stepped on I prayed would not move under my foot. Every sound next to the path made me panic. It was mostly monkeys and birds but still we were so happy to see the lights of the lodge. Quite an experience especially for someone who has a phobia of snakes!

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