Monday 24 December 2012

Peru - Lima

We were late to arrive in Lima with the bus breakdown, so had to be quite selective with why we could fit in.

Our hostel, Albergue Miraflores House, was a converted house is a great area in Lima called Miraflores. The owner, Francis, came to give us a briefing on his custom map to the places to eat, what to see and do. Among the options to eat was Cho (guinea pig) and Anticuchos (cow heart grilled and presented on a skewer)! Some of the top restaurants in the world are in Lima. Francis rubbing his barrel stomach proudly said he loved his food, so we knew the recommendations were going to be good. His hostel is in the top 10 in Peru and you can see why with good rates, good area, personal service and friendly staff. Same experience if you're staying 1 night or a week. Thoroughly recommended.

We talked a few blocks to Le Bistek restaurant. I'd does a Sunday calvary and won't be in any budget listings. We had plate after plate sampling one of as much as we could fit in. Sushi, cold meats with tarts and salads, cerviche varieties, and red meat was all on our plates for the main courses.

Que man versus food round 2... I've never had cow heart / Anticuchos before, but this was probably a better place to try than from a street vendor. I asked for a small piece with my steak and when it arrived, the 2 full skewers virtually filled my plate. I cut through the slightly more tough than regular beef cutlet and fought mind over matter to get it in. Not bad at all, it was very similar to beef taste wise, but a bit mor chewy. Mands did herself proud too by keeping down a whole chunk!
Man 2 - Food 0. What's next?

No more room for further Chinese and Itallian options, so hit the desert tables and finished off the pisco sours.

It was about a 10 block walk to the shoreline. Definitely has a feel of Cape Town or Durban in some places. The coast had huge cliffs. Families were out along the green parks and man same breed dog groupings out for training. One on the pit ills was dressed in Santa outfits including shoes and the other pit bulls gave him a hard time about it. You know he'll turn out tough, like "a boy named Sue" by Jonny Cash.

Many surfers were out along the coast and para gliders getting ready for launch. A large modern shopping centre was buzzing with last minute Christmas preparation.

We caught a taxi across town to the main Plaza. Our our taxi driver gave us running Spanish commentary - our Spanish is improving as we understood about a third of it!

The plaza at 9pm on a Sunday had thousands of people along the streets. We wanted to to to the watershow as recommended and took off to find it. Michael Jackson music blared from an evening Christmas shopping market where we found the Peruvian Michael Jackson himself. I asked a family ahead of us on the payment where the water show was and the took us with them as they were heading there too.

Biggest water fountain park in the world apparently. Again thousands of people around. There was one particular fountain that was a water tunnel, 50 meters long. People were walking through it so we joined in only for a boy behind us to decide it would be more fun to run through with his hand slicing through the water - we were properly soaked. The main event was with the largest fountain display, both to music and laser and video images projected onto it.

Good half day in Lima (probably needed 2 days), but alas all to soon it was time to head to the dessert oasis, Huacachina.

1 comment:

  1. Such great stories. Don't know about food! Heading to Cobham today 28th. Love G
