Friday 28 December 2012

Peru - Cusco Airport

We checked in for our Star Peru flight to the Amazon, thinking a quick 40 min flight and we'd be there. It was not to be. About 40mins later we saw a very confused group of people disembarking from an aeroplane. Then the announcement came that our flight had been delayed. Turns out the people disembarking were on our plane which was just meant to stop for 10mins in Cusco to pick up passengers and then head on though to Puerto Maldonado.

The flight ended up being delayed because of bad weather in the Amazon. Star Peru were shockingly bad at conveying any information to us and no one really knew what was happening.

Eventually at about 3.30pm we were given clearance to fly and everyone lined up to board the plane. We were moved into the boarding area where we stood, and stood, and stood some more. People started getting angry. Turns out between announcing we would be boarding and actually boarding us one of the air hostesses had taken ill and they were now one short and we wouldn't be able to fly after all. We were put on a rescheduled flight for first thing the following morning and then transferred to a hotel in Cusco. It seems this part they are pretty proficient at so we think flights must get cancelled fairly regularly.

We were in a better position than most having booked 4 nights in the jungle. A lot of people were only flying out for two mitts and would now effectively only get a day and a night out there.

The weather cleared into a beautiful evening in Cusco so Warren and I headed to the artesian market where I spotted some amazing throws for our house. Some definite purchases on our return to Cusco. We walked up to the plaza which is lit up so prettily and had a couple of pisco sours admiring the plaza.

There are worse places your flight could get cancelled. I think Cusco is my favourite town/city so far.

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