Thursday 27 December 2012

Peru - Cusco

We took a 'magic bus' overnight from Nazca to Cusco. The trip was a little rougher than the previous one, mainly has the road was heading into the Andes and pretty twisty turny, especially the last few hours heading towards Cusco. We once again hit a delay - a traffic jam at around 8am high up in the Andes. We sat for around 1hr30 and then it started moving and was clear into Cusco. Who knows?

I struggled with motion sickness for a bit, but thank goodness Kwells seem to sort it out and pretty quickly. I will never travel without them now! Also battled with equalising through some bits and didn't feel 100% getting off the bus. Not sure if it was the motion sickness, altitude, interrupted sleep, mild sinusitis or all of the above.

Checked into our hostel - Millhouse which was in a lovely old building with rooms off of the central courtyards and possibly the nicest room we've had within our budget. It's also in a great location with a really popular Pollo a la Brasa restaurant and Chifa restaurant opposite.

It was a beautiful afternoon so headed out to have a wonder around. Cusco is a beautiful city with one of the prettiest central plazas I have visited and wonderful old cobbled streets to potter around. Unfortunately I developed a cracking headache, again not sure if this was altitude or a combination of things but I had to go and get into bed by around 4pm. Luckily we knew we'd be back post amazon but it still wasn't great having to climb into bed on such a sunny afternoon.

Starting to think we suffered a bit of altitude sickness as Warren made no complaints about resting up, getting a take away - Kentucky wraps - he went with easy, and getting a really early night. But couldn't wait to get back to explore Cusco!

The next morning we were feeling loads better and headed out to get our flight to the Amazon.

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