Tuesday 19 February 2013

Bolivia - Uyuni and The Extreme Fun Pub

Now we had heard bad things about Uyuni, it's a one street town, get in and out as quickly as possible but clearly these people had not found the Extreme Fun Pub!

We arrived on Sunday afternoon in the pouring rain, a bit panicky about what the Salar (Salt Flats) would look like the next day if it remained grey and raining. And yes, the reception at the hotel was the grumpiest we have yet to experience and it's maybe a two street town full of agencies. We spent around two hours visiting the tour agencies and trying to decide which would be best to go with. We eventually went with Quechuas as they seemed most honest, gave us loads of information and had good reviews.

After this we found the Extreme Fun Pub which a girl in Potosi had told us about. It was what it said on the sign. Extreme Fun with crazy drinks and friendly staff. As we arrived there was an Australia couple lining up to do the drink challenge. It's 10 drinks with various concoctions and in some strange drinking vessels. Single attempters, couples and water only race times are recorded along with name and country and stuck up all over the pub's walls and roof. The Aussie couple did well, but no where near the record and didn't need to use the toilet bowl brought out in case.

We didn't attempt the challenge, but did try some of their other brews. It wasn't long before we'd joined an English couple and Was convinced us to have a barman special - effectively asking the bar for a recommendation and going with it. A drink for hombres and mejeres. If we get brave enough to post the photos, you'll see what the "sexy llama bitch" and "Bolivian hen night" looked like!

If in Uyuni with a couple of hours to kill, go - as Was has told others along the way, it will be memorable!

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