Saturday 9 March 2013

Brazil - The Rodizio

Buffalo Bronco Rodizio, Foz de Iguaçu, Brazil.

The rodizio grill is usually $R60, however with the hostel card we could get it for $R40 (£13) each.

After a couple of warm up cervezas we went through to the eat as much as you like restaurant. Effectively there's a salad and sides buffet (enormous) and every couple of minutes a waiter comes around with a straight off the grill meat on a skewer. The cuts in Brazil are different to those in SA or UK. I made sure we made our way around the entire cow, marking off ratings on the cut guide they gave us.

Their asado grill was impressively large. Mands and I went to have a look and then were invited in for photos. The waiters started to take a liking to us at this stage and we were getting preferential selections of meat. Careful not to take any more than a minimal amount of sides and no carbs, I sliced through round after round of deliciousa carne.

We spoke to an elder French couple at the table next to us. Mands says that when the boys were talking meat, the French lady rolled her eyes at her, in a here they go again way. Just when we'd finished my last mouthful of steak, the French man says to Mandy: "I don't know how he eats so much meat and has a flat stomach." Yes Messier, I don't know either.

Postre (deserts) were also a plentiful and with no room left in our stomachs, we did the only sensible thing for a backpacker, loaded up a plateful of desserts as as well!

Great night out!

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